Happy 2019, Beautiful People!

We are already one month down into the new year, and I am so relieved. It has been difficult for me the past few months. I did not see a doctor or specialist of any kind so I can't confirm that I was actually in a state of depression. However; I do know myself and I know my mood and spirit felt very down. This was the first time I really struggled with a change in my life (i.e. new job). It was also the first time I had experienced an anxiety attack. The root of the struggle was due to the fact that I was not 100% confident in my career move. When I started my new job, I was having a difficult time getting acclimated to my new surroundings, workload, and manager. It was only this past week that I started to feel like I had a handle on things.

Now that my mind feels less cloudy, I wanted to write this post in case you might be struggling right now in your life. When one thing is going wrong in life, it can be very easy to start focusing on all the negative things that are going on. My main struggle may have been at work, but I also started to dive into negative feelings outside of work. An example was my appearance more specifically my weight. Now don't get me wrong this isn't the first time I felt self-conscious about my weight, but because I was already feeling down it became very easy to find other things that kept me in this sad mental state. I stopped putting effort into my appearance, stopped going out and overall I just felt tired and out of it all the time.

In general, it was very hard to feel anything other than sadness or anxiousness. On the days, I felt slightly better I would try to journal. I would mind dump everything I was thinking or feeling onto paper. There were some days when I wouldn't write anything at all, but on the days I did write I would feel lighter. With it being the first week of February, I am trying to focus more on self-love. I am learning to be kinder to myself, accept my limits, and take care of myself physically, mentally and spiritually.

Whatever you may be going through right now, just remember that it will pass. You are valued. You are strong. Give yourself a break and do not forget to prioritize yourself. Take the time to do something for you and only you, because you deserve it. I hope this was helpful in some way and if there are any topics you would like me to write about please comment below. ♡


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